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Call for Submissions for a Special Issue on “*Turkish Communities and Muslim Citizens of Europe*”

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 ·

Insight Turkey invites manuscripts for its Winter 2010 issue that will explore European policies and debates on “Turkish Communities and Muslim Citizens of Europe” with theoretical reflections and analyses of their social, cultural, political and religious positions. We seek original manuscripts from scholars across the social sciences and humanities, both discipline specific and interdisciplinary, as well as contributions from policy circles. In this special issue, which will be edited by the guest editor Professor Talip Kucukcan of SETA Foundation & Marmara University, our
goal is to showcase high-quality single case or comparative studies and stimulate a lively debate on the subject.

The topics suitable for inclusion in the special issue include but are not limited to:

- Identity construction among the Turkish and Muslim communities in Europe,

- Civil society organizations, transnational networks and Turkish-EU relations,

- Representation and political participation on local, national and EU levels,

- Post 9/11 state policies towards migration, integration and discrimination,

- Religious groups, institutions, movements and Islam in the European public sphere,

- Position of Turks/Muslims in education, housing and employment,

- Impact of the rise of nationalism, racism and xenophpbia on the Turks/Muslims,

- Cultural and religious practices among host societies, Turkophobia / Islamophobia,

- Media discourse on Turks, Turkish-EU relations, media consumption among Turks.

Covered by major indexing and abstracting systems and databases, Insight Turkey is a refereed academic journal with a policy-oriented perspective. All submissions are subject to Insight Turkey’s editorial policy and must follow the journal’s style guidelines, which can be obtained from the journal’s homepage. Since the journal’s readership comprises specialists and non-specialists, authors should avoid jargon where possible and use a clear and straightforward language that is appealing to both groups.

Insight Turkey welcomes both full articles (5,000-6,000- word essays that present the findings of research or analysis on a relevant contemporary and historical problem or phenomenon) and commentaries (2,500-3,500 word pieces that make a short, provocative argument on an actual topic of interest with policy relevance).

The deadline for submission of completed papers is December 1, 2009. Interested authors are encouraged to send a 300-word abstract to the journal editors no later than October 15, 2009.

Submissions and any questions on editorial issues should be directed to editors at *insightturkey@*. General information regarding Insight Turkey may be obtained from its website: * .***


Index Islamicus, IBR, IBSS, International Political Science Abstracts, Left Index, Middle East & Central Asian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Sociological Abstracts and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.


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