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CfP: 1st Global Conference Revenge, Oxford

Saturday, January 9, 2010 ·

Thursday 15th July 2010 – Saturday 17th July 2010
Mansfield College, Oxford

Call for Papers
Revenge, so we are told, is a dish best served cold: a 'sweet' wreaking of vengeance on those who have – either in reality or in our minds – slighted, wronged or in some way 'injured' us and who are now 'enjoying' their just deserts by an avenging angel (or angels) on the great day of reckoning.

This inter- and multi-disciplinary research and publications project seeks to explore the multi-layered ideas and actions of vengeance or revenge. The project aims to explore the nature of revenge, its relationship with issues of justice, and its manifestation in the actions of individuals, groups, communities and nations. The
project will also consider the history of revenge, its 'legitimacy' , the 'scale' of vengeful actions and whether revenge has (or should have) 'limits'. Representations of revenge in film, literature, tv, theatre and radio will be analysed; cultural 'traditions' of retaliation and revenge will be considered. The role of mercy, forgiveness and pardon will be assessed.

Papers will be consider the following indicative themes:

~ the nature of revenge
~ the history of vengeance
~ the role of revenge
~ revenge, vengeance, retaliation: to avenge
~ justice and revenge; redressing the balance, just desert
~ betrayal, humiliation and revenge
~ revenge and the individual; revenge and the group; revenge and the nation
~ revenge in literature and the arts
~ revenge in music
~ revenge in tv, film, radio and theatre: the nemesis
~ mercy, forgiveness, pardon
~ case studies: individuals, communities, nations

The Steering Group welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals. 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 15th January 2010. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 28th May 2010.

300 word abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs;
abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats with the following information and in this order:

a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e) body of abstract.

Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.

Joint Organising Chairs:

David White
Department of Philosophy,
University of Calgary,
E-mail: dmw@inter-disciplin

Rob Fisher
Network Founder and Leader
Inter-Disciplinary. Net
Freeland, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
E-mail: rev@inter-disciplin

The conference is part of the Probing the Boundaries programme of research projects. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting.

All papers accepted for and presented at this conference will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers maybe invited for development for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s).

For further details about the project please visit:

For further details about the conference please visit:


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