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new book: China and the Global Politics of Regionalization

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 ·

China and the Global Politics of Regionalization, ed. by Emilian Kavalski (Ashgate, 2009)

This volume examines the prominent role of China in global politics and the relevance of the 'new regionalism' paradigm to China's international outreach. It provides a comprehensive and critical assessment of China's impact on the global politics of regionalization, offers a novel application of analytical models, investigates the aspects of the Chinese practice of regionalization that set it apart, and demonstrates China's transformative potential in international life.

Addressing the need to 're-Orient' the research and policy agenda of international relations, this comprehensive study demonstrates both the lack of language to engage with existing norms and standards and the difficulty of applying them to an evaluation of the global politics of China's 'non-Western' international agency.

Contents: ''Do as I so'': the global politics of China''s regionalization, Emilian Kavalski; Part I Historical, Analytical, and Comparative Contexts of the Global Politics of China''s Regionalization: Regionalization in the Tianxia? Continuity and change in China''s foreign policy, Feng Zhang; A concealed regionalization without historical roots: a new form of regionalism in rising China''s foreign policy, Sheng Ding; China''s regionalization policies: illiberal internationalism or neo-Mencian benevolence?, Jeremy Paltiel; Identity, nationalism, and China''s policy towards regionalization, Jing-dong Yuan; From adapting to shaping: contextualizing the practice of regionalization in China''s foreign policy, Enyu Zhang; The reluctance of hegemons: comparing the regionalization strategies of a crouching cowboy and a hidden dragon, Greg Anderson; ''From Brussels to Beijing'': Comparing the regionalization strategies of the EU and China, David Scott. Part II Insights from the Global Politics of China''s Regionalization: China and the political economy of regionalization in East Asia, Yongjin Zhang; China''s region-building strategy in Southeast Asia, Ralph Pettman; Spreading the ''Shanghai spirit'': a Chinese model of regionalization in post-Soviet Central Asia, Stephen Aris; Reconstructing the Silk Road in a new era: China''s expanding regional influence in the Middle East, Carrie Liu Currier and Manochehr Dorraj; Making a region out of a continent? China''s regionalization of Africa, Emilian Kavalski; China and Latin America: an evolving military dynamic, Julie M. Bunck; China and South Pacific regionalism: the rising power as a cautious newcomer, Jian Yang; Bibliography; Index.

About the Editor: Emilian Kavalski, is a Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, at the University of Western Sydney, Australia

Reviews: ‘The book gives a breath of fresh air in theory building and in empirical analysis of China’s regional behaviour around the world. It suggests that China not only socializes itself into the existing regional norms and rules, but also socializes other countries into China’s practice – Do as China does! A stimulating read.’
Gerald Chan, University of Auckland, New Zealand

'This volume does more than simply review Beijing’s policies, it explains the complexity and contradictions inherent in China’s understanding of regional diplomacy. The authors expertly show how China’s regional efforts differ from patterns established by Western nations. Anyone interested in the impact of China’s growing economic power, military capability, and diplomatic clout will benefit from this unique volume.'
Steven Phillips, Towson University, USA

'China’s astonishing economic growth has long featured in international news agendas, as have issues related to climate change and the environment. Kavalski’s collection addresses an equally important, but often overlooked phenomenon: China’s unique approach to global politics. The range of contributors is impressive, with perspectives from different continents and disciplines.'
Alan Hunter, Coventry University, UK

'We talk incessantly about the Internet and the global integration of finance, trade and even security. But what if it’s not all coming together? Here is a prescient book that explores a parallel political universe – a "globalization" with China at the center.'
William W. Keller, University of Pittsburgh, USA

website for volume:

Emilian Kavalski
Lecturer in Politics and International Relations
School of Humanities
University of Western Sydney
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith South DC, NSW 1797
phone: +61-2-9772-6830
fax: +61-2-9772-6373
Editor of Research in Social Change:


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