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Training in Bucharest on EuropeAid procedures

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 ·

Dear Madame/Sir,

Last January Asociatia Serviciul Apel started a project financed by EuropeAid under the programme "Non-State Actors and Local Authorities (NSA/LA) in Development. Coordination, Cooperation and Networking Activities in Europe" . The title of the project is "Helpdesk platform and support to New Member State Non State Actors/Local Authorities in the Development sector" (Contract DCI-NSA/2008/ 155-602).

The objective of our project, which is implemented by punto.sud Italy with 4 partners and 2 associates, is to improve the management capacity and accountability of New Member States (NMS) NSA/LA in working with EuropeAid. Main project components are the development of a website on EuropeAid-funded projects (please view the work-in-progress on-line at www.puntosud. org/helpdesk- europeaid) ; a manual on EuropeAid procedures and project management that will be downloadable from the web; a
helpdesk (day-to-day support) to organisations implementing or wanting to implement EuropeAid-funded projects; and 9 training sessions on EuropeAid's funding modalities and project management. Please see the project's leaflet attached to this e-mail for more details. You can diffuse it freely and we would be grateful if you'd do that.

The first training session will be organized in Bucharest on October 21-22, 2009. Please see the invitation to training in attachment. We would really appreciate if you can distribute the invitation among your members and of course if someone from your staff would be present at the training too. However, a questionnaire is attached for us to preview what is the knowledge of EuropeAid funds among the Romanian state and non state actors. It would be grateful if you'd complete that too.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Asociatia Serviciul APEL
Bd. Regina Elisabeta nr. 73, sc. 1, et. 1, ap. 2
sector 5, Bucuresti, cod postal 050016
Tel. +40 21 311 61 42
Fax +40 21 311 61 43
E-mail: office.b@apelngo. ro;


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