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PhD with research assistantship position in Amiens (France)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 ·

The Power Electrical Engineering Group of the Laboratory for Innovation technologies – University of Picardie Jules Verne (LTI), Amiens, France (www.u-picardie. fr), invites applications for a full-time research assistantship of three years granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (around 1400Euros per month/12 months per year). The expected starting date is at the maximum end of October 2009. The selected candidate will be register as a graduate student with student status and social insurance according the French law. Tuition fees are practically free (around
300Euros per year). Applicants must hold a MSc in electrical engineering (major power) not graduated earlier then one (1) year prior to the start date. The candidate should be highly self-motivated and have sound knowledge and research background in
electrical machines and drives. Additional requirements are skills in power system modeling and simulation with MATLAB/Simulink and/or other related software. A hands-on practical laboratory experience in power electrical engineering is mandatory. The candidate must have good professional communication skills and a basic knowledge of French will be a plus for the selection. The topic on which he/she will have to
work is related to multi-phase, multi-pole induction machine for renewable electricity production from the machine design to the prototype test. He/she will work on the supervision of Professor Gerard-Andre Capolino and Dr. Humberto Henao.

For all qualifications (French MSc equivalence) and application procedure, the graduate school of the University of Picardie Jules Verne will provide all the documents after the selection process. Application screening begins October 1, 2009 by an interview of the selected candidate to fill the position the first week of October 2009.

Please do send urgently by e-mail (certified documents) your CV, your list of publications and at least two letters of recommendation (one coming from your MSc advisor, the other one from the director of graduate program in your school and/or the Head of Electrical Engineering Department) to Prof. Gerard-Andre Capolino, Head of the Search Committee (Gerard.Capolino@ All the applications received after October 1, 2009 WILL NOT be considered. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Gérard-André Capolino, PhD, DSc, Professor of Electrical Engineering

Fellow IEEE (2002), Emeritus Member of the SEE (2003)
2008 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award
2011 IEEE Power Electronics Society Diagnostics Achievement Award
Director of the European Master MAPEE ( and of the lab OELEM
Past-Chair of the IEEE France Section, N&A Committee Chair
(www.ieeefrance. org)
Chair of the ICEM International Steering Committee (
Vice-president Membership of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2008-2009)
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Distinguished lecturer for IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

University of Picardie "Jules Verne" - Dept. of Electrical Engineering
33, rue St Leu - 80039 Amiens Cedex - FRANCE
Phone : +33-3-22-82- 70-55
Fax : +33-3-22-82- 70-12
Cel. : +33-6-68-67- 71-22
E-mail: Gerard.Capolino@


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