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USA: Doctoral Research Fellowship in Environmental History

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 ·

The Hal Rothman Research Fellowship was created to recognize graduate student achievements in environmental history research in honor of Hal Rothman, recipient of ASEH's Distinguished Service award in 2006 and editor of Environmental History for many years. The fellowship provides a single payment of $1,000 for PhD graduate student research and travel in the field of environmental history, without geographical restriction. The funds must be used to support archival research and travel during 2010.

Students enrolled in any PhD program worldwide are eligible to apply. Applications will be accepted *June 1 - September 30, 2009*, and the recipient will be selected and notified in December 2009, for funding in January 2010. To apply, please submit the following three items:

1. A statement (maximum of 2 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt font) explaining your overall project and what specific research activities you will undertake with the research funds. You are encouraged to include a budget overview for the specific research activity indicating other sources of funding for amounts over $1,000 within the two-page limit.

2. A c.v. (maximum of 2 pages)

3. A letter of recommendation from your graduate advisor. This can be sent separately if desired.

All items must be submitted electronically by *September 30, 2009*. Files in pdf format are preferred, but Word-compatible formats are also acceptable.

Submit all files to: Dolly Jorgensen, Chair, Hal Rothman Research Fellowship at dolly@jorgensenweb. net

Please pass this announcement on to eligible graduate students.

Dolly Jorgensen
Post-doctoral researcher
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture
Norwegian University of Science & Technology

+47 46 66 36 79
dolly@jorgensenweb. net


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