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12 PhD Positions in Applied Math at University of Heidelberg, Germany

Saturday, January 9, 2010 ·

The Research Training Group (RTG 1653) funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) and associated with the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) of the University of Heidelberg, Germany, offers 12 Doctoral Positions (TV-L 13) for research projects focusing on statistical and optimization aspects of modeling, learning and inference with probabilistic graphical models, and related challenging applications of image analysis in computer vision, environmental science, life sciences and industry.

The Research Training Group is run by a consortium from the Institutes of Applied Mathematics (Bock, Dahlhaus, Gneiting, Thorarinsdottir) , Theoretical Physics (Heermann), Computer Science (Ommer, Reinelt), the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (Hamprecht, Jähne, Schnörr) associated with the IWR, and supported by the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences. It distinguishes itself through a structured research program, joint teaching and supervision, and a study program consisting of interdisciplinary lectures and seminars. For more information, please visit the website http://graphmod. iwr.uni-heidelbe

Positions in the salary class TV-L 13 are awarded for up to 3 years, starting on April 1, 2010.

Additional material cost allowance will be paid. Childcare allowance can be granted if applicable.

Successful applicants hold a master degree in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or a related field with a strong background in one of the fields of Statistics, Stochastics, Optimization, Statistical
Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Image Processing or Computer Vision. A good command of the English language, good programming skills, and a strong interest in Mathematical Modeling and
Computational Methods are indispensable prerequisites.

The RTG 1653 aims at increasing the proportion of female staff and is proactive in inviting women to apply. This policy applies also to disabled persons. The RTG will take measures to support the research
carrier of excellent candidates up to 12 months after their 3-year doctoral period.

Applications include a cover letter, copies of certificates of academic qualifications held, curriculum vitae, a statement of interest in the position offered, one or more letters of recommendation to be sent directly by the referees, and should be addressed – preferably in PDF format by Email – not later than
February 26, 2010, to:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schnörr, University of Heidelberg, IPA Group / HCI, Speyerer Strasse 6 D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Email: graphmod@iwr. uni-heidelberg. de

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