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PhD position in Quantitative Modeling at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Saturday, January 9, 2010 ·

PhD Position (Quantitative Modeling)

At the Chair of Systems Design, we use methods from complex systems theory to understand the dynamics of social and economic systems. This includes methods from statistical physics, evolutionary game theory, micro economics, mathematics, and computational sciences.

We are looking for candidates with a strong quantitative background in one of these fields to fill in a doctoral student position starting as soon as possible, or by agreement. We offer excellent working conditions in a lively team and innovative research in close collaboration with leading teams all over the world.

Applicants should have excellent credentials and a proven interest in interdisciplinary research to explore scientific problems beyond the beaten track, both within the team and independently. But most of all, they should be highly motivated to work in the genuinely transdisciplinary environment of our team consisting of economists, physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. This also requires strong communication skills and fluently spoken and written English.

Applicants are asked to send their curriculum vitae, list of (and links to) their publications, names of at least three references, and an overview of their research interests (all in PDF files and in English) to

Ms. Rahel Dulik
rdulik@ethz. ch

For specific inquiries, please contact Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Schweitzer (fschweitzer@

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